26.02.2016 tarih ve 29636 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan Alışveriş Merkezleri Hakkında Yönetmelik ile, alışveriş merkezlerine ilişkin ilke ve k
Kanuni bir zorunluluk sebebiyle yahut bazı şartlarda istek üzerine kişi, vesayet makamı olan Sulh Hukuk Mahkemesi tarafından vesayet altına alınabilmekt
Bills payable are signed negotiable documents that carries the nature of payment upon the agreement reached knowingly and voluntarily by the parties whose du
Eviction commitment letter obtained from the tenant is referred to in article 352 of the Turkish Code of Obligations. According to this regulation, the evict
Testamentary disposition is a legal transaction that includes the orders of the legator that will take effect after his death. (1) Testament
Vergi Usul Kanunu Genel Tebliği (Sıra No:459) ile vergi kanunlarının vergiye bağladıkları olayı, belli kurumların kayıt ve belgeleri yardımıyla tespit etmek
Creditors who suffered (unable to collect their receivables) from a disposition of the debtors who have transferred their movable/immovable properties to oth
Persons who can file a lawsuit for annulment of the tender are specified in Article 134/2 of the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Code, and it is conditional on th
A very comprehensive and basic definition of a pyramid scheme is given in the Turkish Code on the Protection of Consumers. Namely, a pyramid scheme is a syst
Fundamental rights and freedoms are defined by the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, known as the European Convention o
Although there is no specific definition of the exclusive distribution agreement under Turkish Law, some definitions are included in the doctrine and in some
Defamation is the act of making a statement of false information regarding another. The statement can be written or